Out of all the marketing strategies available to brands today, developing user generated content occupies the core in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. User-generated content (UGC) is when consumers create and upload content such as text, videos, images or reviews related to the brand’s products to social networking websites. In the attempt to develop such relationships with their consumers, UGC has presented itself as an important weapon to win since most buyers look for trusts, authenticity, and community engagement extensively in those markets.

The Evolution of User-Generated Content in the UAE and KSA
The UAE and KSA stand to be among the most engaged and digitally active regions in the Middle East, with high social media consumption growth rate globally. In these…. countries, the consumers are not just the target for the brand message; rather they are the participants, the ones who want to let the world know what they feel about the offered goods and services. This trend is also in line with the appeal of user generated content, as opposed to the normal situation of magazines and advertisements, ordinary people are the ones telling the story.

There is a variety of UGC creation and consumption within these markets. First, culture places a strong emphasis on community and social relations which aids in the sharing of personal stories, particularly on the internet. Next, younger people in the UAE and KSA, who are increasingly on social media such as Gen Z and Millennia, do trust and relate more with content that their fellows create rather than with adverts. This change in consumer behavior has compelled brands to step back and strategize on how to use UGC better, which is to restore consumer credence and bond with the target audiences.

Advantages of UGC in Product Marketing
There are a lot of advantages that UGC can be used for product marketing in the UAE and the KSA. One of the foremost benefits here is that, it is a potent mechanism for instilling trust. Potential customers are more inclined to accept that the product works because they can see other real existing individuals using and endorsing the product as opposed to mere claims. This holds true particularly in the cases like that of the UAE and KSA where recommendations from friends are of importance.

In addition, the expenses associated with UGC are very low. In exchange for high costs related to traditional advertising or influencers, brand owners can obtain UGC for free or little payment from its consumers. This cuts back on expenditure as well but also improves marketing efforts through creation of content that would ideally be used over a period of time across different communication platforms.

The other major benefit, with regard to UGC, is the level of engagement it offers. When brands post their customers’ content, it makes the viewers feel special and wanted, thus building loyalty toward and wanting to engage more with the brand. This level of engagement is really important and is lighted in very competitive markets like the UAE and KSA, where loyalty could be a make-or-break matter in the success of a company.

Ways to Use UGC
In the UAE and KSA, there are a few account strategies that need to be focused on for a brand, since they can effectively facilitate UGC in product marketing. Entail customer participation through campaigns to encourage customers’ experience sharing about one’s products, which can be done by holding contests, hashtags, or challenges that prompt users to post content about one’s brand.

1. Feature UGC on Official Channels: Showcase user-generated content on the official social media profiles of your brand, website, and other marketing touchpoints. This not only provides social proof but will also be a goodwill gesture that your customers will appreciate.

2. Micro-Influencer Partnerships: Engage with local micro-influencers who hold a strong connection with their audience. Their content, coupled with UGC, can more effectively spread your message with authenticity.

3. Monitor and Engage: Always keep a tab on social media platforms for any UGC related to your brand. Engage with users by liking, commenting, or sharing their posts to make the community around your brand grow stronger.